Revit-CSI Link
CSI Link is an external application for Autodesk® Revit® that enables users to transfer the analytical models from Revit to CSI SAFE and CSI ETABS for structural analysis. The goal is to eliminate the need for any extra modeling work in the target software meaning once the export file is generated, the structural model from the CSI application will be opened and ready to run the analysis.

A Two in One product!
Export the Revit analytical model to both Safe and Etabs using the same platform.

Export ETABS
You can choose to export entire model or selected elements or visible elements.

Export SAFE
You can choose to export selected level, selected elements or visible elements.

Export physical model
CSI Link enables users to export the Revit model with all geomterical , structural and physical settings . This model contains the material settings, cross sectional properties , constrains , links , load cases and load combinations ,
Modify structural settings

Create area loads
Auto-adjust analytical model
Take advantage of auto adjust model settings and save time and effort in adjusting analytical models in Revit.

Columns with custom design cross section in Etabs

Columns with custom design cross sections in Revit

Ability to export custom designed cross sections
Learn how to export your Revit model to CSI Etabs step by step using CSI Link plugin in 40 minutes.
Latest News
CSI Link v 0.4 is out !
I am happy to announce that new CSI Link (v 0.4) is out!. In this version I focused on user's reported bugs. Major improvement is in wall meshing which generate a continues wall meshing through the stacked walls and openings. Below is an example of new wall...
CSI Link v 0.3 released
CSI Link v.03 is released. In this version: Various bugs reported from the previous release were fixed. Performance has been improved taking advantage of identifying the typical floor from settings dialog. Exports bracing. Slabs with free form edges are being exported...
Export custom designed cross sections
Did you know you could use CSI Link plus to export custom designed cross sections to CSI Etabs?. Here you find more information