Para 3d FEM
This add-on requires Para3d v5.0 or higher to be installed on 3ds MAX. A demo version is available for download from Autodesk App Store.

To install Para 3d FEM download the package from GitHub repository . The package contains two files “” and “fem_solver.jpg” and a folder named “Para3dFEM”
You may copy the folder anywhere on your hard disk but the max-script file (.ms) and the image must be placed under the following path :
<3ds max installtion folder>\\scripts\\Para3D\\addon

Note 2 : You may need to have administrative permission to copy files under your program files.
Note 3 : You may unblock the .dll files depending on your user administration settings. Read more here to see how you can unblock files in Windows 10.
After copying the max-script file in the destination you need to set the correct paths according to the location of “Para3dFEM” folder in lines 5, 10 to 12 and line 17 (see the image on the left)
Upon the next start of 3dsMAX and Para-3d you must see the


Auto Generate Model


Node base UI

Multi Solvers

Export to SAP

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Open material library

easy Load assignment

predefined Cross sections

Simulate the deformation

Display the internal loads
Tutorial (coming soon…)
Learn using Para3d FEM in 10 minutes ! stay tune by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
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This is an open source max-script plugin.
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