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Finger joint custom width and spacing

20 Posts
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Hi, I am loving exploring what Biber can do.  Amazing work. 
I am wanting some finer control over the placement and size of the finger joint type.  Basically i’m wanting to be able to specify exactly say one male tab into a female slot mid point in a non-manifold panel.   I can do this with count=3 and selecting the config that suits.. but the jt does not appear to allow me to specify my own custom ie (a smaller tab width) . Count apparently auto divides the joint length into the count number. , makes sense , but what if I want smaller tabs and longer spaces..  It would be great to have the same or similar control that the dovetail joint seems to have .. ie control over the count the spacing and the width.  I tried hacking the dovetail joint with zero angle, but of course it won’t allow use on non manifold edges. 

is the above possible with the current toolset?   
thanks ! 

Posted : 13/04/2023 10:05 am
PARA reacted
Posts: 27
Member Admin

He Benra,

as for manifold joints you can use custom profile joint, it allows you to exactly define spacing and tabs. when it comes to non-manifold joints , things are a bit tricky and not easy as it looks. I will keep that in mind for the next release! thanks for sharing!  

Posted : 18/04/2023 6:18 pm
Posts: 1
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@para Hello. I can't reach you.

Posted : 21/07/2023 4:44 am
Posts: 4
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Hi @jxaa032739,
you may email us at

Posted : 31/07/2023 10:52 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

@omkar Hello, I have tried to contact you through various methods, but it seems that your server is unable to receive emails, phone numbers_+ 49 157 33186501 cannot be connected either
Can the student version be used offline? Our company requires two sets, the official version of $150 for commercial projects, and the other set for interns to practice, as our company often has students coming for internships
We need to stay offline because we have been ransomted by btc before, and since then, we have been afraid of connecting our computers to the internet

Posted : 15/08/2023 7:05 am
Posts: 4
Member Registered

Hi @yzhx599881191,
At the moment, all the plugins will require intenet connection to run successfully.
Please email me at ""  And we will look into how we can help you to run the plug-in offline if possible. 

Posted : 15/08/2023 9:18 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

@omkar Hello, in the past few months, I have been trying to contact you via email, but it seems that you are unable to receive the email
Does Para3d only need to be connected during activation, and can it be used offline after activation

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:31 am
Posts: 4
Member Registered

Hi @yzhx599881191,
You may need  internet connection for Para3d as well even after activiation. All the plugins with licenses will need internet connection during activation and also later for using the plugin. 

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:45 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

@omkar I am using the trial version of the Autodesk forum and want to buy the official version. As a beginner, I need to send you emails when encountering problems. However, for some unknown reason, I sent you dozens of emails but did not receive a timely response, or did I receive emails only after half a month? Will this situation improve after purchasing the official version

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:47 am
Posts: 4
Member Registered

@yzhx599881191 replied to your email. 
Sorry for the delay.

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:51 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

@omkar Is there any way to use it offline after activation? We have been ransomted with BTC, and now our work computers are used in the company's internal network to prevent ransomment and viruses. Moreover, if the computers are constantly connected to the network, the company's NAS will also be attacked
Although we just started using Para3D, it has been very helpful for us to do environmental art and special effects. Besides contacting through email, are there any other contact methods, such as Discord, because after purchasing the official version, we really need to keep in touch with you in a timely manner

Posted : 15/08/2023 11:08 am
Posts: 27
Member Admin

@yzhx599881191 it seems that you are posting your question in wrong forum. please note as long as the license is activated and the license file is available in C:\ProgramData\ParametricZoo\Para3d you may use para3d offline, however at the time of activation you will need to connect your pc to internet. hope all is clear 

Posted : 15/08/2023 7:44 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

@para Hello, because I've been wanting to pass for the past few months I contacted you, but I couldn't get a reply. I contacted you on the phone and there was no one answering the phone number on the email, so I posted on this forum
I would like to purchase two sets of Para3D, one official version and one student version. Can both be used offline after activation? If the computer is replaced every year or so, can the license be transferred to a new computer
Also, how can I contact you after purchasing the official version? Nowadays, almost every email takes about half a month to receive a response

This post was modified 2 years ago by yzhx599881191
Posted : 16/08/2023 12:52 am
Posts: 27
Member Admin

@yzhx599881191 the emails with only digits and domain will most likely end up in out spam folder. please use a different email address. 

As I mentioned above you can run Para3d offline if you have already activate your license online, therefore you need to at least connect to internet once.  to transfer your license you need to inform us before replacing the computer. we will ask for a file on the old pc to generate the license for the new pc. 


Posted : 16/08/2023 12:38 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

@para I haven't received a reply to my email on Google gmail either. I tried sending emails using Google gmail but haven't received a reply yet
Can the student version also be used offline and replaced with a computer after activation?

Posted : 16/08/2023 3:12 pm
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